Friday, 29 May 2020

Feeding off Brambles

Two hour walk today, getting slightly sunburnt despite the factor 15, and checking out how the newly flowering brambles are attracting pollinators, mainly honeybees and tree bumblebees, that most successful recent migrant from Europe.

Also I noticed today that there has been an emergence of small tortoiseshell butterflies, a second flight of freshly painted flutterers rising up from the grass and sunning themselves on the bramble leaves.

Although not for long enough that I could get a photo!

I also noticed cinnabar moths on the wing at the ground, which was a welcome sight.

I've just cooked some horrendous bacon noodles and feel rather billious, keep going outside to watch the swifts high overhead, and also a buzzard today.

The last few days have gone better. Slightly.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 28.05.20


  1. Good to see the bramble flowers out - and the bees on them.

  2. Hopefully there will be butterflies on them too
