Saturday 25 April 2020

Up on Beacon Hill Nature Reserve

Do you know, I've not been to this reserve in such a long time, and I can't really think why. It's a beautiful place on a lovely spring day like this, filled with orange tip males patrolling the hedgerows, while the females occasionally settled on garlic mustard.

I managed to get a shot of such a lady, but as ever, not a great one. They are rather skittish, as I've said about a million times.

The bee fly I came across was also a difficult target as it fed off speedwell with its huge schnozzle. So it's a bit disappointing on the photographic front today.

I won't lie; it's been a difficult day. Well, they are all difficult for everyone at the moment, but today I listened to the news and thought that this is just never going to end. I felt that I couldn't see how it would ever end.

It got a bit much, but hey, I'm still here writing away tonight. Another day scratched off on the wall.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 24.04.20


  1. The days are difficult but we will eventually see the end to this terrible time we are all experiencing Si.

    Nature is good for the soul, keep smiling and finding the delightful flowers, bugs and beasties for us to enjoy.

  2. Fantastic nature images, number 7 is Bee on it.

  3. These strange days will end.

    Beautiful horse chestnut blooms (yours are ahead of ours) and a lovely Eristalis hoverfly.
