Monday 6 April 2020

Mmmmm Flowering Currant

I don't know what it is about the current crisis that makes me feel exhausted a lot of the time. Today has been a case in point, OK I've had a couple of days running and exercise bike routines, but I really don't feel I should be this tired.

I've been whacked all day!

However, I did get out for an hours walk, on quiet streets and through a quiet Sconce park. The only thing I had any interaction with was the grey and white cat I often see sat atop a garden shed - a favoured spot it seems.

He's always watching me if I'm walking or running past.

In the park itself, the vivid flowering currant had a few visitors today, on what was actually a rather nicer day than yesterday after all the hype. A lovely common carder, and some honey bees.

The small tortoiseshells are still spiralling away in their mating flights.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 06.04.20


  1. That's a very nice cat. My neighbours' moggies seem to be too old to bother about climbing up onto my shed these days.

  2. My sister's neighbours cats are keeping her entertained
