Wednesday 24 August 2016

Urban Sunset

I've been walking the last couple of nights, in nights that are arriving sooner and sooner despite the great heat in the air. It makes it pleasant to stroll in just shorts and a T-shirt, with the wind having dropped away from the bluster of the weekend.

The river is beautiful if now surrounded by footballers in the park. But it's still the cricket season!!!

Near to home is the locally famous - if for a lot of wrong reasons - Pokestop and mural of a nice fellow who is the town's hip hop performer. It's suddenly become utterly overgrown with buddleia and hairy willow herb, and now the bees buzz around in the obscurement of Mr Lyricist's face.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 24.08.16


  1. Nature always goes over the top at this time of the year doesn't it?

  2. The hairy willow herb has just blasted its way through ever, don't ever remember seeing so much of it

  3. Love the fourth image.........

    Great walking in the cool of the evening air.

  4. I love the way nature "takes over". I regularly drive past a brownfield site where a garage was demolished a few year's ago and the whole area is just covered in buddleias.

  5. Love that sunset against the urban landscape Si, nice capture! Always lovely to see towns and cities becoming more green too with wild flower springing up. Buddleia is always a nice sight, and the butterflies and bees always seem to go mad for it too! - Tasha
