Saturday 13 August 2016

Right in the Middle of the Cricket Action!

Sadly I didn't have a game today, my second team got the day off for good behaviour. What it did mean was that I was able to take my big camera down to the third team match at Kelham Road, and get you right into the middle of the action.

Tremendous action it was too as we were able to put up a big score, and then defend it with good bowling and great catching. We also had an X Factor today that the opposition couldn't match.

As you can see, we are a team of a wide range of ages and physiques, but they got it together today.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 14.08.16


  1. They all look very smart whatever their age and shape. When I played there was always at least one player wearing brown boots or denim jeans. The umpires just wore their normal clothes and one used to smoke a foul-smelling pipe throughout the afternoon. When he lit up you could almost appeal for bad light!

  2. Beautiful and interesting!
    I'd love to attend a cricket match. Meanwhile I can admire your photos.

  3. There is the same sort of mix here. It's nice to see the youngsters given a chance to join in the teams.

  4. Not after I was hit out of the ground twice in my 7th over today, Merlin
