Friday 19 August 2016

The Darter at the Park

I had my first day of trying to play with my *ahem* exposure settings on Monday, and it all ended up being a bit of a mess. Shortening the exposure means you are limited to a minimum ISO of 400, which even on a fast shutter speed means the pictures are overexposed in bright sunlight.

There is the other issue that when it comes to nature, I'm just a terrible, unsteady photographer.

Hence these pictures of this common darter - along with the migrant hawker the most common dragonfly species around here - are not great. But the wings have a nice look about them, I think!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 19.08.16


  1. I always think dragon fly wings are absolutely exquisite - and your photos prove me to be right Si.
