Wednesday 17 August 2016

Sunset over Summer

The season now seems to be in full reverse, with the sun setting as it did in April, and the sunset dropping over the Sconce by 8pm, as it did when I first started walking most evenings as the weather improved.

Now we fall into Autumn, with bad weather forecast, and dark mornings for me to cycle to work in.

I shall make the most of all there is left.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 17.08.16


  1. A fascinating piece of metal there. Looks like an abandoned lace work cannon.

    1. Went up there to commemorate the civil war nature of the earthwork

  2. I feel the same Si - make the most of every single nice day before the horrible winter comes.

  3. Thanks Pat that's what I'm doing. Cricket net tonight.

  4. The light is certainly fading fast in the evenings here.

  5. These are beautiful Si, I especially love the one overlooking the pond there with the light coming through. Same here, I'm trying to make the most of the sunshine before it goes now! - Tasha

  6. Beautiful light captures - shadows, gleams and everything in between. I find it hard to let go of these summer days ... we had perfect blue sky yesterday, and then today the start of the gale ... Still, it keeps us on our toes!

  7. Cricket tomorrow might be fun in the 40mph winds we've been told about on the forecast. Jeez.
