Friday 12 August 2016

Flowers by Evening

Had a very gentle run tonight to try and get some stiffness out of my legs ready for my match on Sunday. Apparently I'm now regarded as a frontline bowler by the club, and so need to look after myself.

Well, we'll see about that.

We are in a spell of warming weather at the moment, so I was content to go slowly anyway, look at the animals, take in the smell from the buddleias I passed, the sound of the gentle lapping of the water and the wind in the brambles. I tasted my first blackberry of the year, it was ripe and sweet.

THe sun began to set while I was out, and the sky darkened, bronzing the clouds.

It was beautiful.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 12.08.16

This is the dominant species along the cycle track at the moment. Can't remember what it is!

It is lining the path everywhere

The road to Newark pier

The birds foot trefoil is very tall here

Carder bee comes in for a drink

More pink flowers

The blackberry near the centre was lovely

Horse friends on the lane

"No mule type thing, you drink, I've had enough"

Balderton and Claypole

Sleepy bee on lavender

These tall yellow flowers are near the nature reserve buddleias

Mr Slug

Brazen sky


  1. A nice series of shots, Simon. Your pink flower is Great Hairy Willowherb.

  2. Lots of the Pink Stuff flowering around my way too, Si. The blackberries have a way to go but a few look as tasty as you describe. Rest up that arm and good luck in the match tomorrow!

  3. A nice selection of photos Simon. Good to see it is nearly blackberrying time :) Good luck in the cricket.

  4. Nice pictures (apart from Mr Slug) - the blackberries look good enough to eat. Good luck with that bowling.

  5. I believe the pink flowers belong to one of the Willowherbs. They are the host plant of the Elephant Hawk moth I think.

    Your blackberries are very early......none here at the moment. They all need some sunshine :)

  6. The pink flowers are hairy willowherbs (also known as giant willowherbs I think).

  7. THanks for the ID everybody, no-one has ever been able to tell me what those yellow flowers are though!

  8. I can tell you Si! They are Evening Primrose, a biennial weed usually found on roadsides and waste ground. I have some flowering in my garden after collecting a few seeds a number of years ago now. They have not overtaken any plants and look quite striking when the flowers are freshly opened.
