Monday 30 May 2016

Celebrating Springwatch with a Photographic Miscellania

Yes, it's the least favourite time of the year for the so called "Country Pursuits" brigade ("People need to understand that foxes are VERMIN!"), the time when "Springwatch" arrives to apparently over-anthropomorphise wildlife and encourage the people of Britain to enjoy our wildlife, rather than blasting it out of the sky or choking it in pop up mountains of fly tipped rubbish.

So, I'm going to celebrate with a few miscellaneous proper camera pictures I've taken over the past week and not fitted into any blog. Please enjoy, and enjoy what you've got while we can, on a day when the Farming Minister has said that after any putative Brexit an utter bonfire will be made of EU Environmental laws protecting our natural habitats.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 30.05.16


  1. Lovely selection here, thank you.
    My favourites are the first and fourth ... just love those blooms.

    All the best Jan

  2. Good to see you have captured the elusive birds and bees this time. Long may Springwatch continue to bring nature to everyone, the more we see of the amazing creatures we share the planet with, hopefully the more we will fight to protect it.

  3. Gorgeous flowers, fledging birds and sun-drenched bees....what more could we ask for?! Great stuff, Si.

  4. Thank you everybody, luckily it was a slightly tired bee I think. Focus still not perfect.

  5. Is that pink campion Si? It is one of my favourite wild flowers.

    1. I always call it red! No idea which is correct. Lots of the white stuff around as well, if not in the park.

  6. Beautiful flowers, wildflower.

  7. Lovely series of photos. Have noticed so many flowers in the fields and hedgerows after our very wet winter - and the last couple of days too!!
