Tuesday 3 May 2016

Hairy Feet and Flutterers

I seem to have run out of energy at the end of my time off work, yesterday I didn't run, and today I didn't either, just totally tired out. But both days I have at least had reasonable walks through the park and around town, and today's bright conditions made it a rather more rewarding one, photographically.

It wasn't a day for bird shots though, much as they sang, the increasingly leafy canopy in the old oak wood is making it harder to spot our avian friends, apart from the willow warbler that perched in the hedgerow next to me, serenaded me with a blast of song, and then fluttered off as I reached for my camera.

No, the warmer and brighter conditions meant that there were lots of insects in the air, nectaring off the next wave of spring flowers that have emerged. Butterflies. Bees. Hoverflies. It was a macro shot day in other words, and I think I've got some ok results.



All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 03.05.16

Not sure if this is a honey bee or not; the hairs on the thorax were very russet looking.

Can't remember!

Hairy footed flower bee female

Male hairy foot. Note the white facial hairs

Marsh marigold

Sunbathing peacock

Wings folded

Another one on the riverbank

White campion?


  1. Lovely photos, specially the peacock

    The first plant is garlic mustard, the last one I don't know the name, but it's not white campion

  2. garlic mustard! That's the one. I was thinking "LEMON GARLIC" for some reason. Thanks!

  3. Some very nice shots there Simon, could the last flower which incidentally
    is a very nice photo be 'Common Mouse-ear', not sure though.

  4. Mouse ear is the one! Thanks Merlin!

  5. Beautiful and glorious series of captures!
