Saturday, 15 April 2017

Lots to See Today!

Sore leg or not, managed to do a gentle 9km today, on a day that started out freezing as I went on a walk this morning, but did improve in the afternoon when the sun came out and I bimbled around on my walk.

Lots of little and large insects about - green bottle fly on star of bethlehem, various andrena type mining bees, a lovely common carder bee and lots of coliurful flowers.

Even the dandelions look gorgeous, and the pollinators love them.

Also about, although I didn't get a shot of it, was the first swallow of the year over town, flying over the marina!

Enjoy my shots!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 


  1. Great to see all those insects going about their business. Lovely selection of photos.

  2. Lovely flower and bee photos - I spotted my first Swallow last week too :)

  3. THank you, I've enjoyed being out and about this weekend!
