Friday 10 July 2015

Butterflies by the Trent

Had a decent run out today, taking a long sunny run out along the Farndon reaches of the River Trent, and feeling rather stupidly pleased I got on the excellent 6 Music Radcliffe and Maconie show with my facetious suggestion for the "Tea Time Theme Time" link.

Many damselflies are about on the dried earth track along the water's edge; clouds of common blue damselflies being scared up by my indelicate steps, while male banded demoiselles were engaging in aerial scraps over the metallic green females over the lily pads. However, the only dragonfly I saw was a brown hawker over the River Devon on the early stages of my run.

Hot summer days along this stretch of water always bring out the butterflies, and riverside thistles and ragwort were attracting lots of small skippers - having a good season by the looks of things - meadow browns and ringlet.

No peacock second flighters are about as of yet, but I was pleased to see my first comma of the year, its crimson-orange colour unmistakeable even at a distance, as it fluttered along under the bypass.

It had been a long 8 miles, and I felt the can of Barr's "Tropicoola" at the end was well deserved!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 10.07.15

Small skipper

Focus fail again, damn phone

Meadow brown

Sneaky ringlet

Meadow brown again, enjoying a drink

Small tortoiseshell

Not a butterfly magnet yet, but it will be

Late night visitors; a magpie moth!

And a riband wave


  1. Ragwort is a bit of a problem isn't it Si? On the one hand butterflies love it and on the other hand it is poisonous to animals (and also to humans if you start pulling it up without gloves on). I have a friend with donkeys and she does not like to see it anywhere.

  2. It is, strange that butterflies find it so beneficial. Soon the cinnabar caterpilars will be all over them.

  3. Correction, the cinnabar caterpillars are already out!
