Thursday 30 May 2019

A Spot of Bee Rescue

I'm busy moving flat at the moment so don't have a lot of time for much today, and sadly didn't have anything sweet to drink to hand. So this tired tree bumble I came across today, I could only move to a flower out of harms way to see if it could feed from there.

Day from hell tomorrow, after a night from hell tonight.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 30.05.19


  1. Apparently nectar from a Dandelion is the first feed for a bee. So fingers crossed. Hope none of the forecast hell comes to fruition.

  2. Hope that both you and the bee thrive in your new homes!

  3. hope you settle into your new home happily and hope the bee thrives too

  4. Well Mrs Bee wasn't there later on so I'm hopeful
