Saturday, 4 May 2019

No Cricket, Just Running

Well, today should have been my first league match of the season, for the 2nd XI against Old Dalby, and despite the fact it has mainly been a mainly dry day, apart from a short sharp hailstorm, I didn't get to play, with leaky covers being the reason.

Grrrr I was angry as hell and had a really grumpy day, I need the cricket to keep my mental health in balance in Summer (Summer??? Ha!!!) and so by way of substitution I had a 9km run instead.

I was wanting to try out a new running app, Strava having unaccountably decided to stop working on my phone, so I now use Sportactive instead. Seeing as it works, this is an improvement.

While I ran, I found some wildflowers for you, we have come to the buttercups and saxifrage stage of Spring, which will be the last before all the flowers are cut. The ramsons are pungent.

A swallow flew over London Road pond. The swifts have arrived too, right on cue on May 1st. So some things are going right.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 04.05.19


  1. Why do they cut all the flowers? They are beautiful and feed the insects.

  2. There were a lot of people running yesterday as I went out for my walk. Shame the cricket was cancelled.
