Monday 5 March 2018

Running in Crocus Land

What a difference a day makes. With the sun out,this morning was utterly spring like, although it wasn't enough to wake up any buzzers or flutterers.

This convinced me that a run in the afternoon would be nice, to see what had been hidden for a week by the bad weather, and to try out some new bits and pieces I got from Decathlon. I ended up wearing a new gilet type thing, that was rather thinner than I thought it would be, but was warm enough on a day like today, a day where the birds have started singing full blast again. Apart from blackbirds, who are being rather cagey a the moment. 

There's a lot of crocuses about. Indeed we are at maximum crocus, peak crocus, although the show seems a bit down on previous years because of the weather. I'm sure the purple and white cemetery carpets have been thicker in previous years. 

No goosander today, only a couple of egrets. THis reminds me however of an appalling tweet by The Angling Times magazine suggesting that cormorants and goosander should be shot for having the temerity to eat anglers' apparently reserved fish stocks. Luckily the reposnse they got, even from fishermen themselves, was excoriating.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 05.03.18


  1. Good to hear you’re back out running. Dreadful tweet from angling times. Shame on them.

  2. Gorgeous spring flowers. The double snowdrops are my favorites.

  3. Thank you both, it was a slow and sore run, but I made it

  4. Lovely photos Si - i adore the purple crocus - you always see so many more of the yellow ones - they must weather the winters better I think.

  5. Thanks, purple is the dominant colour in the public gardens here

  6. Dreadful tweet from angling times. Shame on them.

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