Tuesday 22 March 2016

The Treecreeper in the Cemetery

I've had a busy day today, with a 7km walk this morning, and a slowish 13km run in the afternoon. But there wasn't a lot to see, apart from a number of raptors around the owl land, two of which may have been the short eared owls of legend, and another might have been a marsh harrier as it flew low and straight and not like a buzzard.

"Might", but probably weren't. I don't really see exotic stuff.

More ordinary birds are interesting enough, however, like the treecreeper I observed in the cemetery yesterday, making its way up the trunk of a tall tree. Unusually, it was ascending the tree in a rather direct fashion, rather than spiralling clockwise up the trunk, going up one side before fluttering round to the other.

I'm reasonably pleased with these shots; I think you can see the birds long thin curved bill, perfect for foraging in crevices in the bark, and also the birds long toes, and stiff tail that aids its ascent of trees.

They are hard to spot, but worth watching if you do.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 22.03.16


  1. Great set of photos, they are not easy to photograph as they don't stay still for long.
    Amanda xx

  2. I'm really jealous now. I've never managed to see one let alone take a photograph.

  3. Excellent treecreeper photos, Treecreepers in my patch at Ashenbank
    always seem so skittish, can't get close, well done

  4. Thanks! Looking back again they aren't the best, hard at 36x and you always get a very soft look, especially in poor light. But I will keep trying to improve.

  5. Great photos - they are difficult birds to get shots of - have only ever managed it once. Always good to watch a tree creeper foraging :)

  6. You did well with these.

    All the best Jan

  7. Lovely shots, Simon. I have real trouble with close ups of birds!

  8. Thank so much! I need to go on a course to learn how to do this better. I admit my Finepix S8650 is pretty much bottom end when it comes to bridge cameras, and my hands are very shaky.
