Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Avenue of Blossom

Most of my pictures taken in Sconce Park seem to be mainly taken down by the river and in the old wood; this is where the birds, butterflies and atmosphere are usually found. Soon, more flowers were emerge and butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies will gather in the warmth of a heightening spring sun.

However, at the other end of the Park, is The Orchard, part of the dreaded Sconce Parkrun course that I really must get around to running again when the weather warms up. Spring finds this little grove of fruit trees and blackthorn at its most beautiful, when all the trees are dressed in rich blossom, and early bees and butterflies feed off the blooms.

It is still early of course, but the trees are really showing beautifully at the moment; apple, cherry, damson, blackthorn. Like I can tell which from which. I'm glad they are out, because it means the first insects of spring will have a rich food source when they emerge. I remember two years ago, March 12th or so, the first warm day of Spring found those trees alive with the hum of honey bees, and the gentle flutterings of peacock butterflies.

Last year the blossom was a couple of weeks later, but for all the talk of an early season, by this time last year I'd already seen honeybees and a couple of butterflies in flight. Nothing yet. We are forecast a bitter weekend, perhaps the worst of the whole winter here. The buzzers and flutterers will be better off staying under their duvets. The first day after that the temperature reaches 16C, will be the day the Brimstones are up here, and my Spring officially sprungs.

I just seem to be thinking aloud a lot rather than properly writing. I have a lot of journeys to make both on foot and on wheels, and so many things I need to do. De-clutter. But if I muse too much on things like that I'll end up being a lifestyle blogger, and my flat is far too much of a bombsite for that!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 02.03.16


  1. It won't be long before the Bee's and Butterflies are doing their thing,
    like you I wait in anticipation. Your blossom seems much more advanced than ours in the south.

  2. Crazy weather this year. What season is it anyway?

  3. Lovely blossom. As you say it has been a strange spring with plenty of early flowers but very few insects. Usually I would expect to have seen a few bees or at least a few drone-flies by now but so far, apart from a bumble bee way back in January, I have seen nothing :-(

    1. Not a thing for me yet, and I doubt I will this weekend

  4. It looks a nice part of the park, nice to see the blossom to.
    Amanda xx

  5. Lovely photos of the blossom :) No bees or butterflies seen here yet.
