Sunday 20 December 2015

Low Light Waterfowl

Just got some unadulterated shots to show you from my walk yesterday afternoon, on a day where the strong breeze and sky bound duvet of grey cloud made it tricky for photography. I've not been running for a couple of days as I've bruised the very base of my spine ticcing, so after two good runs, I've had two blank days really.

Walking is no substitute unless you walk a heck of a long way.

Anyway, I was off to hunt down some photo opps with my bridge camera, and headed briskly off down to London Road Lake to see what birds were out to play as the sun began to sink towards the horizon. Assuming you were in a plane high above the cloudbase and could see that damned elusive yellow orb.

So, it was another rotten day for photography. Flat grey light and a strong wind. But hey, it was warm, and dry, and I was outside, and you never know what you might see.

As it happened, it was just the usual squadron of mallards with some coot and moorhen, but they were relaxed, and at a distance I was able to get some decent shots. The grebes however, those damn grebes, refused to co-operate as ever. I present the shots uncropped and edited, just so you can get an idea of how my camera is in lowish light.


Copyright CreamCrackeredNature 20.12.15

General mooching

Near full bred mallards - note the specula

Cootish antics

Distant grebe

Are these two in breeding colours?


  1. Lovely low light shots Simon. Hope your back is better soon.

  2. Thanks Robin, how I envy the birdwatchers the sunlight seems to follow!

  3. Hope your back feels better soon.

    The photo of the morrhen and female mallard is lovely, almost worth a caption contest!

  4. Awww, lovely sights of the grebe in the distance - they remind of dragons with their plumage! Lovely shots and hope your back is feeling better soon! - Tasha

  5. One day I will get a good grebe shot, I swear it. They are annoying me like mad! Thank you all for your comments.
