Thursday, 1 September 2011

The last of summer

It wasn't supposed to be sunny and warm today, but it was. I ran 6-7 miles, a bit painfully I've overdone it a bit the last few days.

How I miss the hope of seeing really summery birds and butterflies. The warm rays are now mixed with autumnal berries and colours, the last few whites and red admirals are still strong, but I think I saw starlings beginning to flock on the footbridge over the river.

The Holly berries are now beginning to redden on my tree, awaiting obilteration by woodpigeons before any far more interesting Redwings or Fieldfares. Cold days and nights in my flat are upcoming.

But I will enjoy every damn thing I can. I found a little shield bug on my old gap jacket, an emerald green photographic subject!

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