Monday 27 February 2017

And it was all Violet

More walking today, so I'm keeping at least physically and mentally active as I wait for my leg to sort itself out. After the rather tepid weather of the last few days, we now have cold and a probable frost with us again, so back to having painful hands on my bike ride to work.

However this has not dissuaded common violet from sticking its head up in the last couple of days - I found these fellows next to Balderton Lake. They remind me of "The Black Flowers" of Gaia legend, that crop up at the end of the must-be-watched-by-all 80s TV thriller "The Edge of Darkness".

Didn't see any coltsfoot though, which is supposed to be the "February Flower"!



  1. Lovely photos of the violets - I haven't seen any Coltsfoot yet either.

  2. Neither Coltsfoot or Violet for me yet Si! Lovely to see your 'Spring flower' images! They have brightened a dull, cold and rainy day!

    Meteorological first day of Spring tomorrow! It would be nice to have some spring sunshine to welcome it!

  3. Thank you both! Rather surprised to find out what I'm calling "Squill" is actually a relative called "queen of the snow" - the white centre to the flower is the giveaway apparently.

  4. lovely to see these beautiful violets! I've not seen any yet this year, nor coltsfoot
