Monday 21 November 2016

I Tweak the Tail of Rain

So, as soon as I woke this morning, it only took but a second to look out the window and see the rain absolutely blattering down on the driveway, splashing up from the puddles already formed overnight.

Sometimes you get woodpigeons having a good old rave up in these pop up birdbaths, but not today.

Well, I thought this was a good opportunity to defy the weather and get out in my neon kag and Decathlon waterproof trousers, and so I did, loving the feeling of being out and about and relatively dry.

Sadly my gloves and shoes weren't up to this as well as the rest of my gear. But hey, the rain wasn't so bad. At this point.

So, I had a turn around Sconce Park, watching a heron stealthily make its way along the marshy edge of a flooding Devon Pasture, presumably on the look out for frogs. Blue tits were scrapping in the trees of the old oak woods, easier to see now the leaves have fallen, and a mute swan decided to flap its tail from side to side as if irritated by the rain.

Later on, unable to run in the bad weather, I went out walking, and the rain really pelted down. It was black dark by 2pm, but at least it was exercise, of a sort.

My feet squelched in the water filling my shoes. Note to self, get waterproof ones some day.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 21.11.16


  1. Lovely mist in the first photo! Wonderful description there of the woodpigeons having rave ups in the pop up bird baths....

  2. I think the mist might have been on the lens, but it does make the picture look very good!

  3. Sometimes a walk in the rain can be exhilarating. Ashamed to say a friend and I cancelled Monday's hike when we saw the rain. My excuse - those boots were still stuffed with newspaper and not dry! Love you up-tree shot.

  4. Thanks Ali, I've been looking at Decathlon waterproof shoes this evening! £25. After Christmas I think

  5. I really like the mist in that first shot and the rest of the autumn colour coming through in these. I need to get myself some proper walking boots too as I also got wet feet when I went out yesterday, not nice! - Tasha

  6. love you for your outing in rain as you brought great pleasure into my soul through your precious photo .we live in part of the world where rains are rare

  7. Well done for braving the weather on Monday - I cowered indoors!! Love the last photo :)

  8. Yes, Monday was a very wet day!
    You got some great photo's though ...

    All the best Jan

  9. Thank you all, your kind comments made getting wet worthwhile!
