Sunday 6 November 2016

Cricket Committee!

So I've been lazy today, the cold weather and occasional rain really putting me off doing anything, other than just loafing around a couple of cafes listening to radio 4. Which I enjoy doing, but isn't making me into a superfit man that everyone fancies.

The second cafe visit was to the new one in the Palace Theatre, nice big pot of tea for £1.60, while the tempting retail opportunity to buy Civil War replica helmets and Royalist beers in the museum shop behind you, a museum I haven't actually been in proper yet as it costs £8 to get in. No way!

I have Scottish blood!

Also on offer were lots of things that weren't actually theatre, apart from the same old "Vampires Rock" promo stuff featuring the bald spot with the teeth doing the same pose he's been doing for about 50 years on these shows.

So, after taking a few shots on a street where the windows were turning gold in a low sun, I got on my bike and headed down to the cricket club, strange looking in the near darkness, and rather unkempt as it is unmown for the off season. Inside, the cricketers and cricket lovers were gathered for the AGM, where I sat being very very quiet and shy while captains and chairmen were elected.

However, I did raise a very shy hand when the 8th and last committee spot was up for election. I had been asked to consider being a comms person for the committee, and I guess that is what I'll be. I doubt I'm going to be much help with coaching, or building a new cricket ground, so getting some good coverage for the club will be my game.

Hopefully I'll be better at that than batting.



  1. Must admit I like museum shops - you can get unusual gifts although they can be a trifle pricey! Hope you get to do the cricket club comms - sounds ideal for you :)

  2. Nice shops, and the waters, I love them all.
