Tuesday 6 August 2019

Just a Painted Lady

So, yesterday was a much quieter day after all the cricket and juggling at the weekend, but it meant I was able to get to the park and have a quiet walk listening to the radio as I always like to do on my days off.

This was the only painted lady I came across, moping around on the buddleia by Millgate Bridge and giving me a nice alternative angle on one of these numerous migrants for 2019.

The evenings are spent writing and exercising. I don't just write on nature; I write on horror, science fiction and retro culture. I do at least half an hour on my exercise bike as well, while watching whatever videos take my fancy.

Let's be honest, there's a little bit more chilling on the sofa in there than I am letting on!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 06.08.19