Monday 10 December 2018

A Weekend in Wonderland

So, by my standards I've had rather an odd weekend, helping at our  annual Children's party for work.

I haven't been in close proximity to that many children in my life - 200 of them all under 10, and the associated adults. It was very very noisy indeed, but I did my best to be as nice as possible to the kids as they came in.

So well, I was told several times how good with children I was, which came as a surprise. I just wanted to help put a good event on, and with some very good entertainers doing an Alice in Wonderland show, we had plenty to keep them occupied.

Our Father Christmas, who works on our campus, was superb and worked for several hours having his picture taken on his sleigh, or in his armchair, or handing out selection boxes. Deserved a medal.

Before doing the raffle, I found myself holding the giant teddy bear that was the first prize, and had flocks of children following me everywhere. I decided to make him talk and wave and hold hands, resulting in being followed by even more little ones.

They were all so desperate to win him. In the end a little Romanian girl got to take him home. The bear was bigger than she was.

It was fun, but I wouldn't want to do it more than once a year!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 10.12.18


  1. "Good with children" is a dangerous reputation to have - you'll be asked to be Father Christmas next year!

  2. They know who you are you know.

    One little girl stood almost to attention in front of me and looked me straight in the eye. She held my gaze for several seconds and then said quietly: You are Mr Williams aren't you?

    "I've heard he looks like me," I may have said.

  3. You are a credit to your place of work!
    I bet Santa will have a nice present waiting for you on Christmas morning as you have been so good!

    I enjoyed your post, a delight to read! Well done Si!

  4. Thanks all, I would never want to be a mum. Or a children's entertainer.

  5. You did a good thing, Si. What a lovely experience for the little ones.
