Monday 2 January 2017

Venus and the Moon

Back to work tomorrow, but of course, I'm never off duty, always with my eyes open trying to find interesting things to show you!

As I'm sure many of you have noticed in the early evening after sunset, planet Venus has become an increasingly dominant sight lowish in the south-west; tonight a two day old crescent moon was there to partner it, with mars as a rather fainter bonus a little way away in the opposite direction.

During my 11km tonight, starting at 345 and finishing an hour or so later, I was able to watch a perfectly clear sky darken, and have some magical views over the local landscape.

Initially, as I ran along the cycle path, only the moon was visible, but soon the sky darkened enough for Venus to come into view, and then the two objects dominated the south-western aspect. Mars, at 10 o-clock, was rather fainter and is not visible in these shots.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 02.01.17


  1. We are so lucky at the moment that the weather is such that we often see Venus. A real winter highlight!

  2. Wonderful photos, Simon!
    Venus has been incredibly bright in these evenings. Yesterday it was snowing lightly here and yet Venus was visible, almost as well as the moon.
    Happy new year!
