Wednesday 18 January 2017

Getting Faster Getting Fatter

After a weekend of eating healthily, feeling good and somehow feeling a stone lighter, a couple of days back at work and I feel like a beach ball again.

I wonder if the Teriyaki noodle type things I have for lunch are not helping! In addition, I am a bad eater anyway. I admit it.

But if my figure isn't good, then my running is going very well. Tonight, I did 7.0km in 35.12, which by my standards is really shifting. It was dark, slightly damp, and my radio wasn't working - new earphones barely lasted despite being so called "sport" ones. Despite that I was still able to give it a really good thrash.

I'm rather faster moving than these horses, as ever trundling around their empty field. At least they are well fed and watered, even if they don't have any proper shelter. More than can be said for a lot of horses round here.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 18.01.17


  1. Great time, Si, well done.

  2. Those horses seem to have made a right mess of the field Si - probably because they have to keep moving because they have no shelter.

  3. Thanks all! There were trees in the field, but they were cleared for reasons unknown. Horses have been in that field for years, but I'm not sure if that is by custom rather than actual ownership of the land.

  4. Beautiful horses, I think that they will move a bit faster than you, ha ha.

  5. Well done on the running time, Si. Sounds good to me.

  6. Yes, great running news. Lovely horses, too. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

  7. wow!! great running...

    Please visit:

  8. If you keep running then you won't get too fat! Lovely horses!

  9. Thanks all, did a rather slower 5km last night, will see how I do tonight
