Sunday 22 January 2017

The Redwing have come to Town!

You may remember that recently I posted that the conotoneaster trees on the little local park near where I live hadn't been getting any avian visitors at all, and were still absolutely shining with berries.

Well, that's changed.

The local feather faces have more or less cleaned out every other berry laden tree in town, and now those berries they were ignoring a couple of weeks ago are now getting snaffled up.

Among the visitors are small flocks of redwing, who presumably driven out of the countryside by the recent cold spells, have decided to move into town in search of easier pickings. Over the last few days, flocks of about 15-20 birds have appeared in the park, perching not with the berries but high up in the other trees, before making occasional low level raids to feed.

Usually, every time I go to fetch my camera they fly off, but not today. Only a few birds today, but this time, they co-operated, if not closely.

No waxwing yet though.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 22.01.17


  1. hope some Waxwings arrive before berries all disappear.

  2. Glad you got some Redwing photos :) Hope Waxwings appear soon!

  3. I was thrilled with one Redwing: how lovely to have a small flock. Thank you for your kind comment. So glad you got the photos, too.

  4. Beautiful captures.
    Yes they have left the countryside. I usually see large flocks but since the cold snap hit the SE they have all but disappeared. Enjoy.

  5. Glad you got to get some photos, a very skittish bird, large flock in the park near me yesterday, easy to find as they are quite noisy birds..
    Amanda xx

  6. Thank you all, I'm going to go up to the estate on Beacon Hill to see if even noisier fieldfare are ransacking the ornamental garden shrubs like I watched 200 of them do a few years ago.

  7. We have had plenty of fieldfares around in our fields but I don't think we have seen any redwings yet Si, so lucky you.

  8. I have only ever seen a lone one here. Maybe I will see more if we get any February snow.

  9. THanks everyone! They tend to be more up in the trees than fieldfare, which I see in large flocks on open grassland here
