Sunday 31 May 2015

Sweet Sweet Honeysuckle

The smell of honeysuckle is glorious; sweet yes, but with an added sharpness and freshness that means it avoids the cheap air freshener cloyingness of some flowers.

It is now out, I found a large clump of it in full bloom out near Cotham FLash pond. I've been walking and cycling again today, my injuries still preclude running, and it was a two hour walk I had along the Owl Road.

Grey, cold and windblasted the day may have been, but if anything the rain has freshened up the flowers and the colours on view today were spectacular. They stand out more on steely days like this one. Birds foot trefoil has now also made its first appearance of the year, its little yellow-orange flowers standing out in the grass.

But the bluebells now are over, outlived by the stitchwort and forget-me-nots in the cemetery.

Despite the chill in the air, plenty of bees were out today, including the super furry common carders who's jackets must keep them warmer than the sluggish looking tree bumblebee I met today.

I couldn't criticise the bee; I felt pretty much the same myself.


Giant poppies

Wisteria Lane

Harlequin among the blue


Buttercup tomb

Fishing in the wind


Birds foot trefoil

Common speedwell

I think this slug has just got married

In a poppy

Glorious honeysuckle


Sneaky carder

Chilly tree bumble

Bright flowers

How glorious is this in Hawton?


  1. Nice photos Simon. I wonder where the other slug is, perhaps it's still at the church.

  2. I have just found your blog. Beautiful photos!

  3. You really have excelled yourself today Si - exquisite photographs. What a wealth of colour. It has been a good year for wild flowers so far and today's Yorkshire Post tells us that it is going to be a very hot June. We shall see.

  4. LOL Ian the other slug was a couple of metres away, looking rather less festive. Perhaps they had gone for a (very) quickie divorce.

    I'm so pleased people are enjoying my writing and photographs, that was a two hour walk to get those! Still too crocked to run.

  5. A glorious selection of flowers and photos Simon - lovely post. I think Common Carder Bees are my favourite bees - there is something so "cuddly" about them - like little Teddy Bears!

  6. Some great images the caption 'slug getting married' Made me smile :)

    I love the scent of honeysuckle too.....fabulous.

    Love the valerian and poppies, stunning.

  7. Thanks folks! I love my little slug, going to send him to Springwatch tonight I think! THere's so much valerian around at the moment.
