Saturday, 23 May 2015

Chasing Butterflies like an Idiot

I've had another of my double action days...cycling and walking. Running is out at the moment, thanks to a low abdominal muscle pull known as "Sports Hernia" which also rejoices in the even less attractive name of "Athletic Pubalgia" which frankly sounds like a disease you really don't want to catch.

What it amounts to is since cricket last week, I've had a muscle pull that basically extends from my left thigh across my very lower lower stomach to my right thigh. It makes getting out of bed really painful and sneezing agony, but it is now starting to ease a little. I'm hoping I don't make it worse tomorrow.

Batting and bowling shouldn't be an issue, especially the amount of time I spend doing them, but fielding is the problem. So we will see how we go.

I was chasing a butterfly today in Beacon Hill Park, but didn't make my injury any worse. The butterfly in question was a small heath, the tiniest of our butterflies and as it only flies on sunny days and is as skittish as hell, a very hard butterfly to photograph. It wouldn't let me get anywhere near it, as I followed it in an idiotic fashion from clump to clump, waving my phone at it like a hopeful diviner and being allowed to come no closer than about two metres.

This resulted in me adopting my traditional butterfly shooting technique of extending my arms towards it like the stretchy bloke from "The Fantastic 4."

It worked. Sort of. You'll see below.


I love these farm fortifications at Farndon

Another fly grazed horse

The Devon serene

Jurassic (Sconce) Park

Flies on buttercups

Cow parsley jungle

Floral fortress

Hairy footed flower bee

Juicy wallflowers

First babies of the year of any feathery persuasion

View from the Beacon


White campion (I think) is out

Small heath. Very small heath.

Female bee moth at the pub


  1. A lovely post Simon. Hope the Sports Hernia is better soon. Had many similar experiences when trying to get butterfly photos - at least you got a picture in the end :)

  2. Lovely day out, have chased many a butterfly and failed... fingers crossed no injures this weekend...
    Amanda xx

  3. Thanks for your comments, I managed to avoid getting any really nasty clonks, bashes, pulls and strains. Any new ones anyway!
