Sunday 24 May 2015

The Family at the Back Door

When I arrived back from my cycle, eating a white magnum and feeling rather pleased with my afternoon, my downstairs neighbour walked over and told me that he had just found something to show me.

I followed him to the door at the back of the converted house that marks the entrance to his downstairs flat, where he told me to look into the buddleiah.

I spotted them straightaway. An adorable family of 6 baby long tailed tits, sat in a line alternating tail to the left, tail to the right. Their parents called them, and off they flew, making their "zooop" calls. 

But not before I got a snap with my phone.



  1. Well spotted. LTTs don't often stay in one place long enough to be photographed. Not seen any for a year or so.

  2. Lovely birds - I only saw them once in the garden, but have seen them elsewhere, and boy, can they move!

  3. What a wonderful thing to see, all lined up :)
    Amanda xx

  4. Si this is exquisite - lovely how they line up.

  5. Exceedingly cute - LTT's certainly have the aah factor :)

  6. I love LTT's....such a pretty little bird.....wonderful to see the fledglings :)

  7. There was a picture on BBC Springwatch twitter feed that showed 16 in a line, and it was taken with a much better camera! I'm pleased to see them, no idea where the nest would have been, but as has been said, they tend to travel through.

    I tend to think of them as autumn and winter birds, moving through the trees in flocks of about 10-15. Adorable birds, and to see this little family was a privilege.
