Sunday 23 September 2018

The Pink Footed Goose is Back

I got out running very early by my standards today, meaning I was able to be infuriated by Gyles Brandreth on "Just a Minute" while I was pounding the pavement. I was hoping to beat the torrential rain that was forecast but in the event never came.

It was actually a lovely bright, if chilly, day, and I rather enjoyed my rather steady 9km jog around the park and  the two lakes. There were interesting birds to be seen on The Blue Lake as well - I reckon I might have come across a couple of common scoter on there, the only black duck. Certainly they were far more spooky than the typical resident birds.

Another unusual bird was seen, but this one more of a regular visitor. The random pink footed goose that arrived last winter has returned, and it was in the company of its massive greylag friend once again.

I wonder where they have been on holiday?


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 23.09.18


  1. Pink footed geese back from Iceland in their thousands. Strathbeg, NE Scotland.

  2. Some lovely shots across the water.

    I love pink footed geese. Don't see as many as I used too.

    Cute dogs.

  3. I notice a Russian Vine there in one of your photos Si. We used to call it Mile a Minute.

  4. Thanks all, I heard honking geese overhead the other night; sounded too low for pink feet.
