Sunday 16 September 2018

Back on the Running Game

So, no cricket, a nice day, and feeling a bit more energetic.

It must be time to go running.

So, off I went to get into my too tight running leggings and gilet with the  pocket with the broken zip, and out I went, through the cemetery, past the new sports village where the running track is springing up at incredible speed, and then across the fields to Hawton church.

I felt like I was going  quite well, but Strava later told me otherwise. Sodding gadget! Nevertheless, it felt good, running along the bit of the middle beck they haven't yet started building boxy little houses on. Common darters and migrant hawkers were on patrol, and a solitary green veined white was feeding off occasional bramble flowers.

There is still a bit of valerian at the house at Valerian Corner, and carder bumbles fed on whatever they could in Hawton churchyard. And then there was woman's football on the park, before I drank a well earned tea at Rumbles.

9.2km in all, and who cares if it was very slow.


All text and images copyright 16.09.18


  1. That's the spirit, Si. We are not going to be selected for the Olympics, so we might as well enjoy our running! I think the best formula for avoiding injury niggles is, at least for me, to run if possible on alternate days. If I feel energetic and it's not a running day I go for a walk with my Nordic walking sticks.

  2. It clearly was a pleasant run and who cares if it was slow.
    Your photos are lovely... and there seem to be lots of flowers still looking very pretty.
    Thank you for the beautiful and entertaining reading.

  3. THank you all, managed to get in another run today!
