Tuesday 1 August 2017

Super Saturated Burnet Moth

Hello all,

I've been taking an opportunity to improve my photoshop skills, only me being a skinflint I've been using the free "Pixlr" online tool.

I've revisited one of my 5 spot burnet moth pictures, and trying to make it really pop. Still learning at this, as you can see. But it makes for some pretty images, that's for sure.

I'm trying to get myself even more outdoorsy, the closure of our local Tresspass later this year is helpful in this regard, as you can pick up all sorts of oddments for 70% off. Yesterday I got a sports micro-towel, re-usable handwarmers and a folding bottle.

I'm a sucker for this kind of low level gadgetry. Will I ever really use it?...


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 01.08.17


  1. Some of our Burnett moths have blue wings. I like your photo playing tho!

  2. Oh dear Si - and I have just got rid of a lot of this sort of thing, none of which have ever been used.
    That moth is ezquisite.

  3. THank you both! SAturation 100% on that shot. It does bring out the irridescence really nicely

  4. pure art form, love the image.

  5. What a super image :) In the middle of a massive decluttering exercise here and I shall definitely be more careful over what I buy in future! :)

  6. Thanks everyone! I'm cluttering myself even more while trying to declutter

  7. Superb Burnet Moth, brilliant photo.

  8. Looking good, still have not seen one this year...
    Amanda xx

  9. wow! Wonderful effect on the irridescence there. I've seen several burnet moths this year.

  10. THank you! I enjoyed working out how to do the photograph!

  11. Oh dear Si - and I have just got rid of a lot of this sort of thing, none of which have ever been used.
