Friday 26 May 2017

Garden Evening

Well it was beautiful all day - I'm glad my environmental role at work allows me to get out in the sun and take a few photographs around our campus - lots of tiny little mining bees working on ragwort, as well as their big bumble cousins on cranesbill and elderflower.

Tonight I visited my folks, and sat and had tea under a mega parasol, and took photographs of their small but wonderfully wild garden.

Somewhere my mother is amongst it all!


All text and images copyright CreamCRackeredNature 26.05.17


  1. A garden to be proud of, well captured in your photographs.

  2. From your photographs there certainly seems a predominance of blue - such a restful colour in a garden I think.

  3. What a beautiful garden -looks so peaceful and relaxing.

  4. Simon, I wonder if you can take a look at a strange flower I've posted on my blog. I've run out of ideas. It's maybe 8" tall. It's in a sort of nature park so it could be rare.

    1. Please ignore my request Simon. I've just found my flower. It's called a Yellow Broomrape.

  5. Thanks all, just back in from cricket. Which we won. Thanks to me. lol.
