Saturday 30 January 2021

We have reached Peak Aconite

 As ever, the last days of January are when the aconites of Friary Gardens reach their beautiful bright yellow peak in Friary Gardens.

They are always at their best actually before the flowers fully open, they tend to look a little tatty after they do, and under the trees on the bank they form little ovoid carpets of colour.

That colour was certainly needed on a grey day where the sun never shone, and the river ran over the banks again, an evil chocolate colour with all the soil washed off the land. 

My stepfather has now booked his vaccination slots; there are rays of light not emitting from the sun.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 30.01.21


  1. I remember these every year Si - they do my heart good in these days of early February.

  2. Beautiful photos of lovely flowers, not seen any this year up here
