Monday 18 January 2021

More Friary Gardens Aconite

 Yesterday, ended up doing my "Two Lakes" walk backwards, having to negotiate rather a lot of folk on the cycle path who did not seem to be from the same household, gossiping away in groups of five or six. 

This meant a lot of "mask up, mask down" fiddling as I pottled along, watched by a lot of robins and dunnock in the hedgerows. Wrens too, hard to see in the twilight. 

The Friary Gardens aconites are growing well, little yellow spots of colour among the fallen leaves. They are nowhere near their full display yet though.

Spotted one drake goosander on the Blue Lake, accompanied by a harem of 6 ducks. The drake was restless, and kept taking off and landing again, before finally leaving the lake after about 15 minutes. Lots of tufted duck, as ever looking like immaculately painted models. 

I hope you are all keeping well and safe, and able to get outside. 


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 18.01.21


  1. Those aconites do my soul good every year when you put on a photograph Si/ Thank you.

  2. Once again your Aconites are well ahead of those round here. Always a welcome sight at this time of year.

  3. wonderful photos of the aconites, such pretty flowers.
