Saturday 8 June 2019

Walking Like John Wayne

All our cricket games were cancelled today which made me feel less bad about not being able to play and support our club's efforts. Although if the second team game had gone head I would have gone down to watch and support the team, and no doubt take loads of joshing about my current condition.

So today, if anything I'm rather more sore than I was when I left hospital, but I'm determined to stay active and so spent the morning going on a series of walks, cafe to cafe, open space to open space.

I spent time in Carriages, the steampunk victoriana cafe that occupies the old railway station building, sipping a tea with big brown sugar lumps - an odd thing I know to put brown sugar in tea - and then walked along the river to the Sconce for more tea.

Down by the River Devon I saw my first blackcap of the year, although I didn't hear it sing its song like someone blowing into a flute slightly wrongly. There were a few bees on the wing, but these were obviously the mad ones as the weather was so bad.

A swallow swooped by me at ankle height on the road alongside the park, and a swift nearly took my head off as it made its way to its nest under the eaves of a house. Other swifts did their flying sickle thing in the grey sky above.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 08.06.19


  1. What a lovely cafe. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. We were in Newark the rain. Fish & chips in Bentleys was needed! Tried the cattle market cafe a while ago and although the portions were huge/good value, it was full of people swearing like troopers so not very pleasant.

  3. Pleased you are on the mend!!
    Awful weather here for the last two days but now tonight at least there is a smidgin of blue sky so perhaps better tomorrow. Nice to see the castle again.

  4. Nature is the word I am thinking, beautiful images too.

  5. glad you're getting better

    lovely photos and wonderful always to see swallows and swifts at such close quarters

  6. What with swifts, swallows and cricket balls you seem to be under attack at all levels!
