Thursday 28 March 2019

Nature Bits at Work

Round about lunchtime managed to get out for a quick walk and take in the sights on campus; what was growing? What was flying?  What was buzzing?

At the moment, we have speedwell, coltsfoot, red dead nettle, centaury, gorse, daffodil, dandelion, forget me not and one or two other bits and bobs in flower, while above the campus kestrel watches from his favourite tree or a lamp-post- he let me get quite close today. A heron also gave an elegant flyover.

In between, the blue bush in the mini garden attracted a lot of bees, mainly honeybees but a one point a flash of dark orange indicated a brief, indeed a flying, visit by a tawny mining bee.

Sadly next week spring will be put on hold as a cold week awaits.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 28.03.19


  1. Lovely photos again. Beautiful place you work in.

  2. It really isn't, but it is quite rich in nature
