Saturday, 19 October 2019

Proof there are Still Bees About

I know I was full of intentions good, but the reality was today I felt I should have been out running or walking, or walking AND running, but I just didn't want to do anything and felt really guilty about it.

To be fair, I was out for two hours this afternoon, walking around, drinking tea in cafes and walking along the river where I thought I might find late season pollinators on the ivy flowers.

Unfortunately the ivy flowers have gone over, but there is still some himalayan blossom in bloom, and it was amongst these invaders that I came across a common carder bee at work tunnelling deep into the flowers.

These lovely little characters are very furry, and thus seem to last longer into the colder months than other bumble species, and I was very happy to see them as well as the other flashes of colour I came across.

Also of note - a picture of a spacecraft using a laser beam on my home town.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 19.10.19


  1. I saw a few bees when I was out and about yesterday, though many of them looked a bit "dozy". I wonder if any aliens were beamed down into Newark - and will anyone notice? :)

  2. The 'cut', I love the waterways, always something new to see.

  3. lovely to see the bees are still about, the carders are very sweet.

  4. You ask about plants for winter colour. Pansies, violas, bulbs, polyanthus - usually plenty of these available cheaply on all markets and they are all quick and easy to plant.

  5. Thank you all, found more colour today for you!
