Sunday 29 October 2017

Polish Commemorations

Was it going to be a walking or cycling day today? Well, it ended up being two walks, the Northerly wind put me off cycling today. At least it has been very bright, with blue skies all day, but I think we might be done for buzzers and flutterers now, we've got a possible frost coming tonight. Brrrr.

So this morning I took the sights in around the park - mainly football  - before taking a break in my garden listening to a very strident wren somewhere unseen in the leaf cluttered undergrowth while I digested my lunch.

In the afternoon, I headed out in the opposite direction, at what I was kidding myself was a powerwalk kind of pace. The reasons I was trying to be quick was I wanted to cover a reasonable distance and get to Halffords and Millets in time, as I'd spotted some cycling jackets and fleeces I wanted to grab.

I had been in Millets earlier but wasn't able to get anything due to a distraction burglary by two Russians I walked into the aftermath of.

Meanwhile in the cemetery, a major event was taking place for the local - and not so local - Polish community. I can't remember what it was commemorating, but folk seemed to being bussed in, including some characters in blown up scout uniforms.

There was even a bit of bagpiping!

They had a lovely day, as did I, who got my long walks in and did manage to buy my fleeces.


All text and images copyright CreamCrakceredNature 29.10.17


  1. Some super photos, Simon. Pleased you enjoyed your walks.

  2. I echo aliqot.
    And pleased to see the Poles enjoying their bagpipes! A Polish airman in the Battle of Britain married one of aunts. At the Christ Church Christmas Market here in Vienna the proceedings are not allowed to get underway until a piper has played a few tunes including Scotland the Brave.

  3. You encountered the Andrzejki celebrations, or Polish St Andrew's day. Can't tell you much more about it except that my Polish friends make a big deal of it, though I don't think any of them plays the bagpipes.

  4. Aha thanks for the info John! And for everyone's comments

  5. I love the top photo!

    It's always nice to stumble across unexpected cultural events like that
