Wednesday 28 June 2017

A Memory of Sun

We had a moderately grey day yesterday, and an utterly filthy one today where I had to clad myself condom like in waterproofs in order to cycle to and from work.

Luckily Monday had been a relatively nice day, and after being really sore and as flexible as an ironing board, I ended up walking for 90 minutes past various mini wildflower meadows around Sconce Park and the River Devon, where the thistles in particular where attracting various beautiful butterflies - large and small skipper, meadow brown and ringlet.

A comma basked in the sun elsewhere. It was a lovely afternoon.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 28.07.16

1 comment:

  1. Hi Si, it is a nice post. It is very lovely to see how good the nature is and how generous to provide us all these beautiful and amazing creatures.
