Sunday 3 July 2016

Classic Cars at the Park

It was a festival at Sconce Park today, rather easily named "Sconce Fest" for publicity purposes. I had no idea of this of course, I had just decided to head to the park for tea because my cricket match today was cancelled.

Disappointing, as I'd hoped to try and find a bit of bowling form after yesterday, and also to improve my batting against pace bowling. Instead I sat drinking tea, watching ninjas coming and going from their stall, and thought about how I can interest more folk at work to take an interest in what's around them. Ideally a community event like this one should have perhaps been something I'd have been able to alert them to.

However, I'm trying to get projects on cycling and the nature on the site going.

I also reflected on cricket and my own situation. My sister thinks it is good for me to be in a team environment from time to time and it certainly keeps my concentration on matters away from my tics, although a team-mate asked me yesterday "Do you have trouble with your nerves Si?"

It is obviously noticed by the cricket fraternity then.

When I finished my tea and my pondering, I had a wander around the site, where folk where demonstrating bowls on a long green carpet, ninja skills, and a miniature classic car rally was taking place. Lover as I am of retro things, if not necessarily cars in themselves, I found myself enjoying their deeply loved shininess and their charismatic emblems.

Ironic really, as I can't drive.



  1. For me the black Rover will always be the proper shape for a car.

  2. Love that first classic car, the shape is so pretty! - Tasha

  3. I agree about this hobby thing. Even if one is not necessarily interested in whatever is being exhibited then it is good to admire those who have put all that work and effort into it.

  4. It makes me wanna swoon with joy, classic.

  5. Thanks very much all, been very busy taking many photographs! Got some great stuff for you in the next few days!
