Monday 25 July 2016

A Late Night Companion

Arrived home late last night for a gentle rum and coke and a stargaze, as I love to do in the dead of night, when I heard a tremendous commotion in the hedge down the side of the drive.

At first I thought it was one of next door's dogs, but the absence of endless barking ruled that out. The scuffling sound continued, so I turned on my mobile phone light to reveal a hedgehog on a slug hunt - or perhaps Pokemon - in the leaf litter.

I let it be for a bit, then when walking down the drive for a last look around, I found it out in the open.

After a long absence, suddenly hedgehogs are everywhere. Someone I know has a family of four living in the back garden, and has made sure they have access in and out through the fences, as this hedgehog does round our way. But in general they are struggling, and hopefully folk are letting them have little holes in the fencing so they can get around.

Was very happy to see this large and vigorous specimen!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 25.07.16


  1. How wonderful! They're adorable critters. I don't often see them here.

  2. Brilliant. Unfortunately it's about two years since my last prickly visitor.

  3. Great photo and wonderful news that there are still hedgehogs where you live :)

  4. We have noticed more than usual around our farmyard - it must have been a good year for them.

  5. I hope they are doing better, I used to see them regularly at night walking home, that character was the first in a while

  6. Glad you liked the Silver Y: must confess I had no idea what moth it was at the time. So glad you have a hedgehog in your patch - as we do. 'Our'hedgehog also visits a neighbour's garden across the road, so I hope it stays safe ...

  7. Thanks Caroline! Had a look last night, but not grunting and scuffling from the hedgerows

  8. I've not seen a (live) hedgehog for years, though i saw a dead one about a year ago, which was sad, but sort of proved that they're still around...
