Friday 25 May 2012

The Madness of Running in this Heat

So yes, two consecutive days I dragged myself out in the heat of the afternoon, and did two seven or so mile runs, sweating like a pig, struggling to breathe, drinking desperately from a plastic bottle of Morrisons "Isotonic" Cherry drink.

It is probably as much use as licking a block of concrete in fitness terms, but it does taste rather nice.

Most life is keeping in the shade apart from Swifts, which are just full of happiness at the moment, making me more envious than any other bird that I cannot fly; that I am an earthbound clodhopper. Butterflies about are mainly various whites and orange tips, with the odd Brimstone still around.

Clay Line is now passable and full of blooming Hawthorn, and Beacon Hill reserve is now dry too. It's the time of year for taking a picnic up there.

The nices things I've seen though, well those 6 little fledgling Great Tits being fed by their parents in my Holly Tree. Heaven knows where they get these endless green caterpillars from that I never see.

And my folks garden has some tiny fledgling Coal Tits in it! Schlurping up aphids, feathers barely out of pin and calling for their parents with a piercing "tsee-tsee-tssee-TSEEE-TSEEE" cry, gradually raising in volume and pitch.

So pretty!

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