Tuesday 2 August 2022

Echinacea Bees

 How beautiful Echinacea is, and very un-British it appears. It seems to be far too tropical to be popping up in an East Midlands public park, with its pink petals and vivid orange centre that looks like the first transmitted photographs of an alien planet.

And on the surface of this planet, the bees tread, giant, feeding, buzzing. All manner of species; gypsy cuckoos, white tailed bumblebees, honey bees. 

I always make a point of going for a look whenever I visit the park for a cup of tea. They do a wonderful job at Sconce Park, there's always something to see. 


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 02.08.22

1 comment:

  1. Echinacea seem to manufacture a copious volume of nectar; they are highly favoured by pollinators in our garden.
