Saturday 10 February 2018

The Castle where King John Died

I've had another of my exhausted low energy Saturdays - too late out of bed, too slow to get moving, too lazy to run. A write off day, I suppose, the sort of day where I get really angry with myself for wasting it. However, it was so grey and cold, I don't think there was much to miss.

I did manage to attempt to sell the old retro tabletop games consoles I had. They both worked after 35 years - dear old Scramble and Firefox F7 - but they weren't in the best nick. One of them had had small sisterly hands scratching on the screen, which is a pity because as the rest of the console was in good working order means that she had reduced its potential value from forty pounds to zero. Firefox didn't get very much either, but I've not got the skills to fix them and eBay them myself.

They are gone for pennies. Doesn't matter, I need to get rid of stuff.

While I was waiting for the valuation, I took myself down the castle to see if there was anything I hadn't seen before. They've put a few new signs up, clarifying that King John died here because he had a very draughty bedroom with a profound lack of floor. There was also the old library, now a wedding venue with a noble past as a building provided by a philanthropist.

I love libraries. Free books! Who can't love that.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 10.02.18


  1. I had completely forgotten the role Newark castle played in the death of King John Si.Nice to see your cheery crocus. And don't feel guilty about what you see as a completely wasted day. We all have days like that and why should we not have days when we laze about?

  2. About 25 years ago I slept in one of King Johns castles (YHA) on my bike ride through Wales from the Severn Bridge to the Great Orme. I remember the floors being uneven and nearly falling out of my bunk bed. By the way, when you feel tired it's a good idea to have a lazy day as it helps the body recover. It's on the lazy days that the training effect takes place! Training without days off only results in injury or lack of energy. We all need to recharge our batteries a couple of times away. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

    1. a couple of times a week

      I wish my spellchecker which has a bad habit of changing what I type would take a day off. ;-)

  3. Maybe you should designate Saturdays as a day of rest, Simon. Then anything you do manage to achieve can be seen as a bonus. Poor old John; he didn't have a lot of luck. As a John myself I've often heard the term "Honest John" and I'm puzzled as to where it originated, not King John certainly. Even St John was the least reliable of the Gospel writers.

  4. Thanks for all the comments and good advice folks!
