Monday 24 April 2023

A Stunning Orange Tip!


I'm just back from Berlin, where I had a wonderful time in wonderful city. More of that later though. 

For now, I just want to show you something that was shown to me just before I left for Germany. I was sitting on a bench at Rumbles cafe when a little girl walked up to a plant, and deposited an orange tip butterfly on it. 

I've never seen an orange tip sit so still for so long, I'm guessing it was newly emerged and still waiting for its wings to properly dry out when she found it. Hence I was able to finally to get decent photos of one of these beauties for you. 

I hope you like them.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 24.04.23


  1. Stunning images of a stunning butterfly!

  2. Exquisite shots of that orange tip Si - there are us ually plenty round my garden but haven't seen one yet. Glad you enjoyed Berlin - it is a city I have never visited.

  3. Lovely photos! One of my favourite butterflies. I've only seen three so far this year, normally I'd expect to see more.
