Thursday, 17 June 2021

Admirals and Gypsies

 Finally the weather has broken, and some refreshing light rain has emerged from the sky to refresh the plants a little. Suddenly knapweed and thistles of all kids have appeared, including stonking great purple musk thistles.

Gypsy cuckoo bumblebees seem to love these big thistles, most of them seemed to have one or in some cases two of the parasitic bumbles feeding away on top, drowning themselves in fresh pollen on a day thick with humidity as the thunderstorms approach. 

The butterflies of high summer, meadow browns and ringlets, have also made their appearance in the long grass of campus, but they are proving hard to photograph. But a red admiral put on a nice show for me today, albeit not wanting to show its gaudy wings to me. 

My hybrid bike has been taken for a few rides, collapsing seat tube and all - now fixed! - but I haven't got many exciting photos from these trips.

Bike goes like a bomb though


All text and images copyright CreamCRackeredNature 17.06.21


  1. Simon thats a great piece of writing - "..... drowning themselves in fresh pollen on a day thick with humidity as the thunderstorms approach." That really had me conjuring up a big picture before i got to the photos (which didn't disappoint).

  2. great photos and like Tigger I really like your description of the bees

    High summer though? That's an unknown concept up here in Scotland this year!

  3. Those bees look to be almost in a trance with it all.

  4. Focus was a little disappointing, but your words are all kind
