Saturday 20 February 2016

Birding at Newfield Dairy

I've never made it out to Newfield Ice Cream parlour before, but after my parents told me about the incredible array of birds they had visiting their feeders, I was all for getting my bike over there with my camera.

Alas either way of getting there on a bike - the A616 or A617 - are really horrible, dangerous roads to cycle on, and no amount of fiddling on google maps could find me a route that could avoid this. So, it was either not visit, or scud along a busy yet narrow road with 32 ton lorries brushing my shoulder as they go past.


So, when my folks suggested a trip over there today, I all but bit their hand off, which would have been unwise and not left much room for ice cream or cake.

When we arrived, they all piled into the cafe of course, leaving me to head towards the feeders with my bridge camera. Sadly, the people pointing loudly at the birds from nearby was scaring them all off into the trees behind the feeders, so having managed to snap a blue tit sitting on a twig, I headed in for an admittdly very nice piece of cake.

After I'd eaten and had my tea, I went back outside and hooray!; all the people were gone. This was, however, due to the fact that it was now lashing down with rain. I got a few shots, then hid in the car pointing my camera out the window like some kind of avian papparazzo.

As usual, I'm disappointed with the shots I got. The birds were plentiful, but the rain and light were so bad by now, I just didn't get the photographs I wanted. There was water on the lens, and I ended up with very soggy legs, not helping the swollen fibula I seem to have picked up one little bit.

One day I will get the light, and produce some decent shots. I promise.

Hen pheasant

Cock pheasant in full regalia

Sparrow has a nibble

Sparrow posing in the rain

Great tit

Having a look around

Coal tit

The coal tit visits were so fleeting

Coal tit's behind

Blue tit on the peanuts

The blue tits were only interested in the peanut feeders

Having a breather

Blue tit and coal tit

Three up!

I'm sure it's around here somewhere

Classic pose


  1. Bird shots still not working out for me.

  2. Considering the weather I think you have done well here Si and it is the first time I have ever studied a coal tit's behind! As for that cake - I think I would have walked down the edge of the road in the pouring rain for a slice of that!

  3. Lots of nature reserves have feeders set up close to a hide. They're really there so that school trips visiting the reserve do not leave without spotting a single bird. However the keen birdwatchers tend not to bother with this facility very much, as few rarities visit feeders. So, particularly if you go mid-week and manage not to coincide with a school visit, you'll have it to yourself. Lots of birds, a convenient hide and blessed silence. No ice-cream, of course, but you can't have everything!

  4. Good selection of birds Simon - you did well as its not easy getting photos of moving birds in low light and rain. The cake looks rather delicious!

  5. It does look a tad murky but at least you got to see the birds and eat some nice cake too :o)

  6. The cake wqas lovely the rain wasn't! Thanks all who visited!

  7. Lovely to see all the birds, even if the weather wasn't the best! Good cake must have helped though

  8. How nice to see all the birds, some good photos to say it was raining and the light was bad...
    Amanda xx

    1. Thank you, I can take better ones, if the sun ever shines!

  9. We saw a falcon, plucking a pigeon at Newfield, Yesterday. We prefer the ice cream though! Lovely being able to watch, the feeders, while drinking coffee inside.
