Monday 24 August 2015

It's all in the Eyes

Kilton Raptor Rescue paid us a visit again on Friday, with one or two different birds on view today.

As I arrived, this harris hawk was having his photo taken with a lady. The expression in the bird's face is priceless, and makes you empathise with the rodent or small bird that has this steely gaze as its last sight on earth.

"You're not wearing a thick glove over your eyes, dear lady"
I remember the guy looking after the birds saying that so many harris hawks have escaped from captivity - I get the impression that they are the most numerous captive bred bird used for falconry - that they are starting to establish themselves as a non native species in the UK. I wonder if this is true.

This bird appears to be some kind of Asian or African species of kestrel, and it was certainly big on eye contact. It was smaller than one of our kestrels, barely larger than a blackbird.

Making eye contact
There was a peregrine type falcon too, but not as dark.

This one wouldn't want to give me good face
In the box, the little owl sat scowling out with deadly golden eyes. Not one for showing off in public.

Here I am, and here I stay
Rather more engaged was my new spirit animal friend, a sort of scopps owl on steroids. Looks too bulky to be one of our long eared owls?

Straight off a children's book cover
This bird is a wise owl indeed, I think.


All text and images are copyright CreamCrackeredNature 24.08.15


  1. Marvelous birds, lovely to get up so close to them.

  2. Lovely shots. I think the little one is pleading, 'Please take this bally great ring off my foot.'

  3. Thanks for your kind comments, despite the vague IDs. Those birds REALLY watch you.

  4. I met a Harris Hawk at the local recycling centre a few months ago, they use them to keep the gulls was beautiful.
